Friday, October 28, 2005


Thanks to for providing a play by play of sorts for the Fitzgerald press conference. From what I read, this guy is for real. He's the anti-Starr. Its really going to be interesting to see the loony right try to discredit this guy. Then again, you can count on Hannity and Co to try to do just that.

This sad state of affairs does not end with these indictments today. I'm still convinced in the end we are going to get an indictment of this premptive war and the methods employed to start it. Libby to me seems like a small piece of this puzzle. Also, Americanlogic demands to know who was Robert Novak's source. And where the hell is Novak anyway?

The president's response to all this: nominate a Scalia clone named Samuel A Alito Jr (that's the rumour anyway).

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