Sunday, October 23, 2005


Americanlogic thinks it was a mistake for Howard Dean to be annoited party chair.

On "This Week" this morning, Dean gave fuzzy answers to what his party should stand for while sneaking in the same tired democratic sloganeering: "we won the first election" "Bush is a big jerk" On the subject of John Roberts he could offer no explanation as to why aside from some brave democrats such as Russ Feingold the party couldn't stomach a man of obvious talent. However, in the same breath we should give a cleary unqualified a chance to prove herself in the hearings?

Dean also stated the party will not be satisfied if there are no indictments laid down on the administration stating he wouldn't believe the findings of a clearly non biased special prosecutor.
All in all, the same tired formula of expousing Bush hatred while not giving those who are nonpartisan something to think about when it comes to the Democratic party. The only bright spot is Dean's endorsement of fiscal discipline as a party platform. As governor, Dean was a moderate who balanced the budget and provided Vermont's children with health care all in the same breath. As chair, he is drinking the Bob Schrum Kool Aid.

1 comment:

bluefools said...

I think Dean's spine was extricated along with is his brain in an alien for bird flu swap.

I'm so glad that Dean's fine leadership of the Democratic party will lead to a long ass-kicking next time at the polls. When will these people just GET IT?!?!? It is insulting that they represent what should be obvoius (fiscal responsibility) and dance around the issues that would set them apart from the pack. Just pathetic.