Tuesday, October 11, 2005

closing in

Despite the expert opinion of John Fund of the Wall Street Journal who thinks Libby is the only one on the chopping block, I still think Rove is in the crosshairs of Fitzgerald. Rove will be indicted along with Scooter Libby on charges of obstruction of justice, which is why we see Judith Miller ready to provide more testimony. Bush's terse response to Lauer's CIA question on the Today show provided a clue that for the first time this president might have to fire someone and he's not liking it one bit.

So, Bush has two major disasters warming up at plate (baseball reference, in keeping with the whole Roberts confirmation theme), the looming defense bill which includes McCain's amendment banning torture and the likely indictment of an administration official.

Both major backbreakers if you ask americanlogic. Bush already has the legacy as the biggest spender in presidential history, creator of the most inept premptive war in modern times and Supreme Court favor giver. Is a proponent of torture next?

As the Moose said not to long ago: "America yearns for adult leadership."

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