Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Mr. X

According to CBS News (hat tip thinkprogress.org), this is the "code" name of the person responsible for the leaking of Valerie Plame's name to reporters. We could speculate all night (and some will) but Americanlogic has no clue who this person "inside the White House" is.

Earlier today, I discovered washingtonnote.com by Steve Clemons, who according to his "uber source," indicated there would be roughly 4-5 sealed indictments handed down by Hurricane Fitzgerald. At which point, Bush is useless as president.

The loony right has to be sweating bullets at this point, clearly having no solid leaks to go by like they did with Starr. The rabid left are like children on Christmas morning waiting for that XBOX 360.

We will find out tommorow. Americanlogic will try his best to keep what readers I have informed of these events.

We could have an indictment of this war along with its architects. Either way, a sad moment in this nations history.

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