Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Bush 102

-Die hard right wingers don't seem to be buying the presidents "just wait, you'll see" approach to Harriet Miers. Pat Buchanan was all over cable today stressing that conservatives have been waiting since the 80's for another Scalia or Thomas and hinted the president will pay at the polls in 2006.

-One thing that hasn't changed about the MSM is their tendency to buy into this presidents "folksy" charm. During one point the entire press corp erupted in gaffaws when Bush poked fun at a reporter who prefaced his question with "according to our latest poll."

-Getting back to Harriet Miers, how should liberals and moderates view her nomination? We need to wait for the hearings. Granted, her inexperience should trouble even the most casual observer, this is SCOTUS. Cheney's insistence yesterday that Miers is a carbon copy of Scalia or Thomas should give centrists great pause.

-Apparently a photo has been circulating the blogosphere that shows Miers handing Bush the August 2001 memo with the now infamous "Bin Laden determined to strike US" header. Let's not read too much into that folks, however i'm sure the folks at DailyKos already have it up.

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