Monday, July 31, 2006

Bolton v World

First off, sorry for any delay in posting.

Now, on the confirmation of John Bolton. Look no further than Steve Clemons, over at the Washington Note for daily coverage. There is no one more accurate or better.

Thursday, July 20, 2006


Newt Gingrich has an op-ed in today's USA Today with the byline "Now is not the time for restraint" which allows me to skip the entire piece altogether knowing Gingrich's history with the neoconservative American Enterprise Institute and its desire along with George Bush to end "tyranny everywhere." In other words, insanity.

We are in dire need of realists. They need to somehow infiltrate the Pentagon and the National Security Agency so we can avoid a repeat of Iraq, only this time with consequences most severe.

Get them out

It's hard to not look at what is going on in Lebanon and shake your head with disgust. The cycle of violence and revenge continues in the Middle East, and American troops occupy a country right next door.

What should we do about it? Christopher Preble of the Cato Institute (quickly becoming my driver's manual when it comes to libertarianism) hits the nail on the head:

"While there is more than enough blame to go around, the U.S. government should be focused right now on providing safe passage out of the war zone for all Americans who wish to leave. Beyond these immediate concerns, American policymakers should avoid further entangling the United States in the conflict."

Time will tell how this plays out.

Friday, July 14, 2006


Hope everyone likes the new name and look. I've undergone major life changes within the past couple months and feel my blog should reflect these changes.