Sunday, October 02, 2005

Gingrich 08

Could democrats actually vote for Newt Gingrich?

The former speaker of the house and antagonist of Bill Clinton has been on the case of the Bush administrations bungling of Katrina and now with the Delay indictment he says:

"you'll see more people in the next 30 days saying, 'I want to do this, or I want to do that.' Creative leadership is always chaotic. But I don't believe you get orderly, planned marches to great change." (courtesy Grand Rapids free press)

Gingrich also hinted at a possible run in 2008, saying his focus will be on health care (gasp!) and government modernization, which would mirror Clinton's platform in 1992.

Although the GOP is on the ropes, folks like Gingrich and John McCain will ensure the party survives the Bush era of cronyist business class politics.

democrats?, anyone......anyone.......

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