Thursday, January 25, 2007

The second Clinton era

Hillary Clinton leads all Democratic challengers and while it is way to early to start playing "All Hail," its worth a look. What would a second Clinton era look like? For one thing, it could prove to be quite uneventful, which is not always a bad thing.

There is a good chance her first order would be to return the country to a fiscally stable position. Hillarycare you say? That is so 1993. Clinton is as much of a pragmatist as her husband and will learn when to play her cards. Expect a rollback of the Medicare benefit along with tax cuts making their way through a Republican congress.

The trickier question, or maybe not so tricky, is her stance on foreign affairs. Will she lead American down the path of more imperial nonsense, better yet would she adopt a less muscular version of the Bush/McCain doctrine of preemption. Based on her statements on Iran, the answer is a resounding yes, which would make her a quick footnote in presidential history.

Also, can this woman inspire anything at all? Her words instantly lull those uninterested in politics to sleep, she could be the most uninspiring President since Carter spoke of malaise. Again, this might be refreshing to some tired of Bush's grand language.

The woman is smart and cunning and knows the limits of the electorate. If she wins, expect either a dull (good) four years or a robust eight years (not so good). Either way, Bill will be back.

Cheney to America: you are all wussies

During the VP's interview with Wolf Blizter, our vice president desperate to feel manly, called the entire country weak saying:

"we would simply validate the terrorists' strategy that says the Americans will not stay to complete the task ... that we don't have the stomach for the fight. That's the biggest threat." (courtesy CNN)

It is a truly bizarro world we have created when we have a sitting vice president who says terrorists win if we end occupation of a country in which no terrorism existed prior to our invasion and occupation.

We might me getting to the point in which reporters, once timid now pulling off the gloves with this administration will start the well deserved verbal abuse:

"Mr Vice President, you are seriously delusional."

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

are you liberal enough?

Obama dips his toe in the political waters, and the Nation audience is already all over him, in particular a comment from ZERO:

"He is pro-corporate."

So, therefore he is pro economy, pro money, pro commerce. the shame.

trade and the truth

When I was left leaning John Stossel made my blood boil. No longer as he takes head on the hand wringing of trade protectionists in a new piece here, courtesy of, my favorite part:

"Then I thought about my local supermarket. I buy stuff from the Food Emporium every week. I spend thousands of dollars a year there. But the supermarket never buys anything from me. Not one thing. And yet that is no problem. It's better than no problem -- it's fantastic! Imagine if I could only buy from the store to the extent that it needed my services. I'd starve. That would be barter, and mankind dumped barter for the money economy eons ago precisely because it is so inconvenient."

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

the Atlantic

The highly respectable Atlantic has a cover feature on presidents and their lies. You need a subscription (damn!) but here's a summary:

George Bush is a different kind of liar because he's also delusional. To quote his dad:

"SCARY, real SCARY!"

Mr. Obama

Barack Obama is running for the presidency.

and the Newsweek cover comes to fruition, wow.

Seriously, what does a Obama presidency have to offer the country other than platitudes.