Friday, October 14, 2005

my positions bullet time

Pro getting out of Iraq in one piece while not giving the jihadists a victory

Pro letting a woman choose the fate of her own fetus

Pro pay as you go fiscal policy, thereby not dooming children (including mine) to a life of overwhelming taxation and deplinished services.

Pro declaring war on a hostile country or group when we are attacked by that hostile country or group.

Pro competent government.

Pro indictment for Tom Delay, the scourge of honest government.

Pro indictment for Karl Rove and Scotter Libby, creators of business class conservatism.

Pro bloggers who don't tow the line.

Pro Moose.

Pro presidents who are decent men but fail trying to do the right thing.

Did I mention pro compentency?

Pro unscripted interviews with soldiers who are taking bullets to stablize a foreign country.

Pro unscripted Rose garden press conferences

Anti Scott McClellan, White House press secretary

Pro Americanlogic.

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