Friday, October 28, 2005

Just to remind you

Americanlogic has to take issue with the Moose and even Fitzgerald himself.

As stated by Tucker Carlson (although i'm sure he's falling in line now), Iraq is the "original sin." It is the reason we are talking about indictments, Plame, Niger and forged documents. If this president made the case to the american public that although Hussein didn't have WMD's he still needed to be either severly contained or indeed removed this country would have no doubts we are doing the right thing in Iraq.

Instead, as he displayed post 9/11 this president choose division rather than unity. Partisanship rather than compromise. There was no debate in the public arena. Just threats of mushroom clouds and certain destruction at the hands of Hussein.

Yes Hussein was brutal thug and now we must finish the job and hand over full control of Iraq to its citizens. This war wasn't sold that way. It wasn't sold as a humanitarian mission because the "cabal" knew we wouldn't have bought it. So what do you do when the original pitch sucks? You try a more direct pitch. Nukes.

To be clear, this war was not about oil or Halliburton profits as some on the left continue to claim. It was Bush's paranoid response to 9/11 and it was Cheney's job to do the dirty work in order to get us in.

So this whole thing is about Iraq. It's also about honesty and candor. This administration has neither and we must accept this for the next three years.

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