Thursday, February 23, 2006

Cronyist national security

As always, Lou Dobbs has taken up the mantle on this port deal this evening on CNN. He has consistently taken the side of the american worker in the face of a growing threat by outside influences. This P&O port deal is once again an example of the Bush administration putting their powerful friends before the national security of this country and that's why Dems and Repubs are in opposition to this.

Imagine a Dubei employee infiltrating one of the ports and he happens to be an Al-Qaeda operative. He now has access to the entire port and its cargo. Why does this make sense? It is not racist or "islamophobic" to conclude this deal is not in the best interests of this country. Can we please start thinking about what makes sense for the workers of the United States of America.

Bush cannot tell the difference between a British owned company and one who is the home of two of the 9/11 hijackers and has been an unwilling ally when it comes to Bin Laden and money laundering. Then again, should we be surprised that the Bushies are thinking of pleasing their gilded Arab friends as opposed to the every day american worker? Bush is the new plutocrat, a man who has no clue what it is like to hold a decent paying job and then lose it in a snap to a foreign entity. And then to be held accountable for his secretive, backroom policies is like asking a child who stumbles over his words.

As with everything else, this crew does this all behind the back of Congress and the public. Shall we make a list?

torture policy
detention policy
warrantless wiretapping
energy policy
environmental policy
economic policy
and now national security in relation to the ports of the USA

Nah, we don't need a populist.

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