Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Beat those drums

Today we get this from Marshall Whittman (aka Bull Moose):

The story of the day that should have been the talk of the nation, and indeed the world was the one that hardly received a mention - it was buried in the back pages - Iran is one step closer to possessing a nuclear weapon. The Washington Post,"PARIS, Feb. 13 -- Iran reportedly has begun small-scale uranium enrichment, an initial step in the long process toward making civilian fuel or nuclear weapons, according to Western diplomats pushing for international action against Tehran."

The world will soon forget the Cheney hunting accident. Unfortunately, the Iranian Hitler making steady and uninterrupted progress toward the objective of obtaining a nuclear weapon which may long influence world history. However, it is perhaps asking too much of the media to focus on the fact that a terrorist state once again defied civilized nations in its effort to obtain weapons to intimidate the West and perhaps eliminate a nation.The Moose is not a press-basher - they generally do their difficult job well. But lately, they have mostly abdicated their responsibility.

Out of intimidation or political correctness, they have succumbed to the mob and refused to publish the cartoons that are the center of an international controversy. And yesterday, they missed the big story because they were in a narcissistic snit as the result of being stiffed..But, the Iranians hope to stiff the world - and that rogue nation came a step closer to make that a reality but hardly anyone would know.

Whittman is one of a growing number of neocons who have infiltrated the DLC from within. He, like Lieberman, Byah and Clinton (Hillary) believe in spreading democracy first, preparing the homeland against attack second. Iran's president is Hitleresque because he is trying to build nuclear weapons and also we just don't like him that much. Therefore, we must attack, even though our forces are stretched to the limit in another Arab country. Hitler murdered 6 million Jews and sanctioned genocide, let me know if this Iranian nutcase gets to that point.

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