Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Today recap

Sam Alito is dead in the water. Reading the live blogging over at scotusblog, I was struck as to how composed Alito sounded, especially during the drubbing given to him by Ted Kennedy (time for a new face for progressives, um Feingold?). That is until I heard some of the footage on NPR on the way home from work. In particular, the questions posed to Alito by Pat Leahy, including why on earth would he be part of a group that has a problem with minorities and women attending Princeton and his escapism on the torture/commander in chief issues. Let's be clear: we cannot have a Supreme Court justice on the bench who is extra deferential to the executive branch, especially during war. Alito does not seem like a man who gives pause to such questions. Expect a filibuster, and rightly so.

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