Thursday, January 19, 2006

Bin Laden

What is the average american to think of today's developments? The man who orchestrated the murder of over 2,000 people is still apparently alive and kicking and trying to make nice with his enemy?

From what I've read in the conservative blogosphere, this tape represents a victory in the WOT. Yes, not killing Bin Laden five years after the fact sure is cause for celebration. This is another failure of the Bush administration, coupled with the 9/11 commission findings and numerous other findings since 9/11 we simply are not prepared for anything Bin Laden will throw at us. This is cause for concern. How about an intercept of a Bin Laden/Al-Zarqawi chat?

Then I think, this is our enemy? A fragile preacher of radical Islam? How can this man control thousands of jihadists? Why is he allowed to?

The next three years are going to busy ones for the Bushies on the foreign policy front, they have Iraq to clean up, Iran to disarm and Al-Qaeda to hunt. Can they redeem themselves with a major capture or an assassination. Can Rice stablize the Iran situation. Will Cheney win the battle for sanctions.

We'll find out soon enough.

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