Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Sticky Rice

Have we ever had a Secretary of State preempt criticism of her country before leaving for Europe? No we haven't. We really have never had a crew like this.

Here's the sad fact: We are represented by a government that believes the best way to fight terrorism is to be as secretive as possible. Create laws such as the PATRIOT ACT, have torture as an american policy, practice rendition which leaves innocent men in the hands of brutal regimes and proclaim it all in the name of freedom.

By the way, where is Andrew Sullivan's outrage about his favorite choice for VP? Matter of fact, where is the consistentcy? Does the war on terror include a war on our soul?

UPDATE: Sullivan on Rice

"The only way to win this war is to abandon the illegal and immmoral detention policies rammed through the system by Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld. As for Condi, she has rebuilt our alliances rather successfully so far. Surely she must see that until the McCain amendment passes, her good work will have been in vain."

Yes, the "good work" of representing a country in which torture is a matter of foreign policy.

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