Friday, December 16, 2005

Democracy comes a marchin

Yesterday's elections in Iraq were an incredible milestone.....for Iraqis. With the daily release of new information surrounding our exercise in folly being leaked to the press every day the american people are starting to get a fuller picture of the circumstances surrounding the nation's first preemptive war. They should be scratching their heads.

Americanlogic is convinced the reason this country initially supported this endeavor is due to the hyped nuclear threat. Imminent and nuke aren't words americans are too comfortable with. Bush and Co hyped Saddam's capabilities and they know it. So don't buy Bush's "Congress saw the same stuff I saw" bull. Well, in fact they didn't. Couple this with Cheney's heavy hand at the CIA and you have the ultimate rationale for preemptive war: "imminent attack.

Well, suprise no nukes. nothing. nada. zip. Just a friggin vile of something. Ok, we're in america said to itself. Will we anticipate an insurgency and be prepared for such a resistence? Nope, Rumsfeld's in charge. Not enough troops at the outset, not enough body armor equals american deaths. Now approaching 3000.

Currently, we are in the middle of a civil war. We also were responsible for Abu-Gharib and the lovely torture debate we were having. See, Bush likens himself to a Roman emperor. He's making the calls on torture, infinite detention, wiretapping and secret CIA prisons.

Which leads me to ask america, what the hell were you thinking?

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