Saturday, December 10, 2005

The next president

Americanlogic is looking ahead to the future of this country. The question of whether we will have survived the Bush era still remains unanswered. In three years, several things could happen under Bush's failed leadership. We could have already invaded Syria or other stops on the "Make the World Free Tour." We could even have suffered another terrorist attack on our soil, seeing as though we still to this day are not prepared for such an attack.

I can honestly say I don't know where we will be as a nation in the year 2008. What will the newly elected president face, what landscapes will he have to deal with? Americanlogic has a few predictions:

We will embrace, thankfully, a new isolationism. The kind that distinguished the conservatives of the past and classic liberals will have to come to terms with. Iraq has soured the american taste for nation building and neoconservative fantasy. Not to mention, any future president who makes a case for invasion or preemptive strike will have to arm themselves with insurmountable evidence and persuasive argument. This isolationism will be characterized by a laser like focus on our true enemies and their infastructure. Translation: Al-Qaeda's days are numbered. Bin Laden will have found to be dead and the organization will become fractured. We will have completely removed ourself from any Arab soil. Resources will be allocated to finally wipe out this menace for good. America will realize we cannot forcefully create democracy where there is no desire.

We will have a Clinton-like obsession with the deficit. As the true consequences of the Bush era are revealed to America, we will recoil in horror and finally work towards fiscal sanity. This will be done by ending corporate welfare and embrace of progressive taxation. The very segment of the population who had it the easiest during the Bush era will finally be asked to sacrifice again. This will not be "class warfare," but a boiling point will be reached by middle and lower income America. After years of downsizing, outsourcing and union busting we will have had enough.

Tax reform and health care reform will go hand in hand. Bush will have been correct in his pursuit of a sane tax system, but his ultimate goals will have been rejected due to their (suprise!) tendency to favor K street while ignoring common America. HMO's will be MIA in the process to reform the American health care system and they will be rolled over by the desire of the American people to finally make sure at least most of the nation's children have healthcare coverage.

Some may say Americanlogic is naive to think Americans will become this active in the role of their government. Will they have any fight left in them after eight years of having their futures ignored in pursuit of Iraqi self determination? Will they have confidence in their government nailing down the basics? After Katrina, will they be wary of a federal government response to terrorism or national disaster?

We'll see. Three years is a long time.

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