Wednesday, September 28, 2005

sick and tired

Talking points.

Sanctimonius politicians.

Lunatic Pundits.

Here are the facts: A Republican majority leader has been accused of corruption. That's it. This is not about how many Democrats or Republicans Earle (gasp!, a Democrat) convicted or failed to convict. It's not about revenge. It's not about partisanship. It's about whether or not a public official broke the law. Period. If I have to listen to Ann Coulter short circuit being an apologist for a man who has a history of dirty tricks and ethical problems, all my future blogs will consist of this: AHHHHHHHH!

If Delay is convicted, I want to see the Coulter's, the Hannity's, the Blunt's, the very people who have poisoned the Republican party, get on their respective soap boxes and admonish Delay.

Meanwhile, the Democrats are in hiding.

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