Thursday, September 29, 2005

a golden opportunity

Everyone interested in political strategy must read the lastest post by the Moose (

He recommends the Democrats quickly present an alternative to the cronyist corrupted Republican Party of Bush.

As I've said before, americans are sick of the corruption and partisanship on display on cable news, talk radio and within editorial pages.

They want leadership, they want an active though restrained government, they want a positive vision for the future, a way gradually out of Iraq, an end to cronyism and political favors and most importantly a distinct message free of contradiction (I'm talking to you John Kerry).

Americanlogic predicts the next few months will get worse, more deaths in Iraq, more corrupted public officials, more pork, more reckless tax cuts (estate tax), and more talk from the credit card president about the need to stay on his failed path in Iraq.

The call is out for a democrat with guts and vision.

Talk to McCain.

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