Thursday, September 22, 2005

Iraq cont.

President Bush gave another reason for his failed policy in Iraq today at a briefing at the Pentagon.

from the los angeles times:

he cited as examples the the US response to the hostage crisis in Iran during the Carter Administration, the lebanon bombing under Reagan, and four crisis that occurred during the Clinton Administration: the first World Trade Center attack, the killing of American soldiers in Somalia, the bombings of two U.S embassies in Africa, and the attack on the Cole.

Bush went on to say our failure to respond the way he would have responded prompted the terrorists to conclude we were weak.

As far as I understand, through my reading and knowledge of history Jimmy Carter didn't sleep for 48 hours in several (one failed) attempts to free the hostages in Iran. Ultimately, they were freed, on the day of Reagan's inauguration.

Without knowing more about the lebanon bombing, I will not comment on its events.

On to the favorite target: Clinton. It was 1996 that Osama Bin Laden declared his "fatwa" against the United States. It is well documented that the terrorists involved in the first Twin Tower attack were prosecuted and jailed. I guess because they weren't attacked by dogs while in the Jesus Christ pose we can call this a failure. Somalia was a failed humanitarian mission by a inexperienced president.

So instead of admitting any mistakes or wrong choices made, this president chooses to lay at the feet of three presidents blame for Iraq becoming a terrorist controlled nightmare.

No new course of action, no timetable. Great. Once again I quote the Moose:

"America yearns for adult leadership"

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