Monday, March 20, 2006

9 trillion

...the new debt ceiling thanks to this president's signature.

What are the proposed uses for this gargantuan sum of extra money? One word: Iraq.

Think about this for a minute. Ponder the things this country could have done with all the funds that have been allocated to a foreign country under our control. Does freedom for the Iraqi people cost this much? Is it a wise investment? Neoconservatism thinks so, its only the beginning, for if John McCain secures the nomination in 2008 we will see a number of countries fall to our tyranny ending campaign to save the world on the backs of the American taxpayer.

Exactly when will the shit hit the fan? When will there be a massive tax increase on the middle to lower class as well as the elimination of one or more programs vital to this country? My prediction is sometime in late 2009 when the populace, already exhausted from juggling work and family will see a substantial portion of their income withdrawn to fund neoconservatism wargames.

Sorry for the long stretches without a post, I'm trying to frame this blog around something other than Bush and incompetence.

1 comment:

bluefools said...

Oh, that is a tough one when bringing the words Buah and incompetence together in the same line. I think that it is like peanut butter and jelly - they just work so well together, it is hard to avoid the combination, no matter how you try :)