Wednesday, March 15, 2006


Hurrah to nativism. Hurrah to America first. Horray to isolationism.

Thank you Lou Dobbs.

During the ports debacle, it was 70 percent of the country vs Bush. A hefty majority against the what truly can be called the comfortable, elitist punditry. People such as Andrea Mitchell who lamented on Hardball about the signals sent to the world if this deal sunk. People like David Brooks and Tom Freidman who likened 70 percent of the country to the Klan in its protectionism.

Dobbs was the only one on any station who spoke to this issue clearly. This administration values "free trade" more than american tradition and security. NAFTA and its like have slowly killed this country. Back in the nineties, in the comfort of my parents home, Clintonism and NAFTA seemed a reasonable proposition. Now, as a member of an underpaid, struggling workforce things are becoming clearer and clearer. We need a america focused president.

Can you name the Senator who opposed not only the Patriot Act, but NAFTA as well? Who also happened to display reasoned judgement in voting for Chief Justice John Roberts.

Feingold. He is the only politician on the planet who looks like a winner these days.

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