Thursday, March 02, 2006

Bushie, you did a crappy job

What more can be said about Katrina and its aftermath. Plenty.

This White House is a bundle of contradictions, during the Katrina hearings you couldn't get this crew to hand over pertinent stuff. Now, after the release of the Bush tape in which he is clearly frustrated over his lack of brush clearing time, the GOP release their own tape somehow showing Bush was on the ball.

Listen, I didn't believe the red herring about the levees not being funded as a reason for New Orleans ruin, but at some point you have to say enough is enough. To me , this was a no brainer:

Large catastrophic storm coming
Respected weatherman says levees might not hold
Levees don't hold, New Orleans inundated with water
Federal government doesn't respond until four days later
POTUS says "we couldn't have anticipated the levees breaking"

No one thought planes would be used as weapons, no one thought there would be no WMD, no one thought the levees would break, no one actually believed I could govern. I don't hate this man, just pity him.

UPDATE: The folks at Liberal Oasis expound on my passage above.

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