Saturday, March 11, 2006

Breaching and topping

Over at the Y files, Cathy Young debates the meaning of "breach." It's pretty clear to me that the response to Hurricane Katrina was the worst failure since 9/11 by the federal government, proof Bush and Co care only about lofty rhetoric than real action.

Give me some time to comment on this whole straw man contest down in Memphis. Seems to me the choice for die hard Repubs are clear: continue with the Bush doctrine or not. McCain is already proving to the nation that he is a Bush clone, albeit more competent. My choice on the GOP side if I had a say would be, well no one. Every person from Condi to Guiliani have no domestic credentials and offer nothing to the American public but more of the same. Spare me the talk about Giuliani, one day does not a president make.

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