Sunday, April 23, 2006


John Kerry is right:
"Osama Bin Laden is loose today because we allowed him to escape at Tora Bora," Kerry today on "This Week" with George Stephanopoulos.

Not withstanding any of the numerous other times we had a chance to capture this murderous bastard, Kerry is the only one speaking to the truth on this issue. Iraq might not be Bush's legacy, Bin Laden could be.

Kerry spoke to this several times during the campaign of 2004. If he makes it a major theme of a presidential run, he should be the winner, despite Hillary's billions. I was absolutely proud to have voted for the Kerry/Edwards ticket. Kerry is a intelligent, competent man, Edwards the more compassionate of the two. Yes, on November 5th 2004, I hastily ripped off my Kerry/Edwards bumper sticker in anger. But with Kerry shooting back into the limelight (probably in response to all the attention Feingold is getting) America should realize its lost opportunity.

Can we imagine Tim McVeigh living freely among us after committing his heinous act in Oklahoma City? Well, Osama bin Laden is making video tapes, apparently still breathing the foul air he occupies.

1 comment:

bluefools said...

I feel the same way about Al Gore. Every time he speaks about the environment today, not only do I cry, but so do the millions of creatures and plants because of what this current administration has done to our environment. It's a shame - isn't it amazing what hindsight will do?