I used to think Lou Dobbs was a big worry wart. Now, with his laser like focus on this ports debacle it is clear to me and I would think many americans he is on the side of this country and against the Bush plutocrat agenda of big trade at all costs.
This issue should not die. It should be repeated nightly on every news broadcast. It's what we've all known about Bush, he is a die hard believer in profit over security. Today we learn through Susan Collins of Maine (tip: think progress) that the Coast Guard had problems with this deal. Scott McClellan, the human incarnate of a jelly donut, came out and said no one had problems with this, just like he said no one in the administration leaked the name of Valerie Plame.
It now, after five years, is becoming clearer and clearer to regular, non partisan americans that Bush and Co have sold the US government to the highest bidder while going off on tyranny ending adventures in foreign countries at my great grandchildren's expense. I will echo what Brad Delong on this blog has been saying for a while:
Impeach George W Bush. Impeach Dick Cheney. Do it now.
Doesn't even matter if it makes sense or is impractial or unlikely, just try.
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