Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Just maybe

Just maybe he will change, maybe.

This is the point made by Nicholas Kristof in today's NY Times (sub required). Since the shame of Katrina, various pundits have actually considered that this president may change course and actually become a representative of the public who reelected him. The shining example Kristof uses is Ronald Reagan after Iran-Contra, Reagan fired a couple people and went on television and said he has sorry. The public believed him and his popularity went threw the roof.

Bush is different. A clear majority of the public rates this president poorly on every matter. They are finally after six years coming to grips with what the Bush era means. They were sold into Iraq, sold into Bush being a different politician and most of all sold into the idea of Bush being a likeable "have a beer with him" kid of guy.

Bush will not change, ever. He will not fire Rumsfeld, leave Iraq anytime in the near future (enough to where it makes a difference) and suddenly become a pragmatist. Kristof points to the 2000 primaries as proof Bush can switch gears; um, that's what you do when you get creamed, if you want to win you steal your opponent's best lines.

Point is, punditry has filled many a space with ruminations that Bush can and will change. Forget it. Stick with what you know NY Times, WMD.

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