Pat Buchanan, right wing populist, punches a hole in the war drums of the neoconservative movement in regards to Iran. As I've said on this blog before, Ahmadinejad is not Hitler, nor will he ever be and to even insist this is an affront against all Jewish people.
Buchanan hits the nail on the head with this statement:
"The United States, without losing a plane, could make the country uninhabitable with one B-2 flyover and few MX and Trident missles."
Not one nuclear warhead was launched during the entire Cold War, part of this was luck and destiny but another part was the measured foreign policy of JFK along with the steely nerve of Ronald Reagan (took me a while to understand this), both lacked the fanatical desire for war that has infiltrated the conservative ranks including the president.
Yes, the Iranian leader has made ridiculous statements regarding the Holocaust that all americans should take offense to. However, this is not a reason for yet another war, one that will stretch the american military to the breaking point and stir up dust where it doesn't need to be stirred. Buchanan goes on to say:
"Instead of whining about how they were misled into Iraq, why don't Democrats try to stop this new war before it starts?"
Instead, they are jumping all over this UAE port story to place themselves squarely to the right of the president, combine this with Evan Byah and his shameful demogogary on Iran and we have a Democratic party who is all huff and no puff. Oh, did I forget the standard bearer of triangulation Hillary Clinton?
We need a foreign policy that combines a confidence in our military might with reason and pragmatism. Neoconservatism is the antithesis of reason and pragmatism. It desires to create problems where none exist, to reshape the world as global utopia, free for all who inhabit it. The elections this November and 2008 are referendums on this pathetic ideology.
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