From what I've watched of the hearings this afternoon, two angles are developing. Those can be best summed up by the statements of Senators Russ Feingold and Lindsey Graham.
Feingold, who I think should run for the presidency, laid out the facts based upon the climate we are now immersed in. Mr. Alito, please answer the questions, you have a long record and we need to know how you feel today about Roe, executive power, civil rights etc. Your legal credentials are stellar, however will you be a pawn of the administration. Feingold conducts himself with such candor and humility he is bound for nominee land if this party is smart.
Graham on the other hand. I respect Lindsey Graham, he has been the face against torture and warrantless spying on the GOP side. This afternoon he reverted back to the old "the president won so he can put whomever he wants on the court" line of reasoning. He brought up the hearings for Ginsberg and said someday there will be a democratic president and they will have the right to nominate anyone they wish. He warned against a fillibuster. Mr Graham, the decisions that Mr. Alito will face if he is confirmed will affect millions of people, so we cannot just chalk his nomination up to political capital and say hands off.
Worth noting: Pat Buchanan on MSNBC thinks the Dems are united and may fillibuster Alito if he is not forthcoming in his answers. The paleorighty thinks this nomination will be an indictment of the Bush era, especially on the matter of executive powers during war.
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