Monday, January 30, 2006


I am not encouraged by Mark Warner at all. If he is the best hope for the party, we've lost another four years. As Steve Clemons of the Washington Note points out the right is still winging the battles.

He has been away for a while, but Baghdad Scott is back in a big way. I caught the press briefing this evening on CSPAN, a boy was he on his game. Apparently, Bush is not responsible for the gutter politics we've been experiencing for the past five years. I missed the across the aisle gesturing the president has been doing right under the nose of the punditry. You'd have to go back to 2001 and the No Child Left Behind bill in which a Dem wasn't portrayed as a traitor and a terrorist loving hippie. And what about the drumbeat of democracy in Palestine?

According to Baghdad Scott, free and democratic elections are only the beginning to harmony and world justice especially in relation to a terrorist organization. This is what Hamas is, they were not elected to hold hands with Olmut chanting "We are the world," but to dominate and threaten Israel into putting up more walls.

My favorite was Scott's insistence that it was Bush's spending restraint that gets us to the cushy economic state we're in now. Forget about the ginormous federal deficit, trade deficit, largely ineffective Medicare prescription drug program and the billions into Iraq.

Can't wait for the speech tomorrow night where we get to hear more fantasy. Tim Kaine will respond, hopefully he will pull no punches.

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