Monday, December 12, 2005

Continue world domination

"If the president understands that his ultimate legacy will indeed be Iraq, and that history will judge him primarily on that matter, then he needs a successor. This process will take real time and relentlessness. Who better than McCain? He can recast conservatism away from its intolerant, sectarian trend and back to the center. And he can bring to the war ferocity and humanity and trust. A McCain succession would not only be good for the country but for Bush as well. Especially if he anoints McCain himself." (

While I agree with Sullivan that Iraq will be Bush's legacy (a failed one at that), the passing of the baton to McCain will continue this failed policy. As I've said before, and the Nation and more recently TNR has pointed out, McCain is a pro war hawk. He is a fervent believer in the neoconservative fantasy. Despite his efforts on the torture issue, McCain is not to be trusted in the arena of foreign policy.

"And he can bring to the war ferocity and humanity and trust."

Bush's war brought us to this point where we are condoning torture with the wink of an eye.

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