Friday, December 16, 2005

The case against Hillary Clinton

Americanlogic was disheartened after seeing some polls today that continue to show Hillary Clinton as the frontrunner in the 2008 pack for Democratic candidate.

Although I shouldn't take to heart polls three years in advance, I already see the disaster this will be down the road.

Clinton, like Joe Lieberman will not vote regular working class interests when it comes down to it. Clinton's flag burning amendment is as popular as Michael Brown right now. Lieberman, whom Bush kissed after one of his recent speeches, is as pliable as salt water taffy. As Bill Maher said last night on Larry King Live, the democratic party needs to become, for better or for worse, the liberal progressive party.

How about a party of workers? A party that will end corporate welfare. A party that will disengage america from the grip of the Bush doctrine of preemptive war. How about a party that will actually respond to a national disaster swiftly and without hesitation?

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