Based on what americanlogic knows from his reading this afternoon, it seems Fitzgerald is looking in the general direction of Scooter Libby and the VP.
Judy Miller and her employer the new york times released their explanation of the goings on since this mess began. Summary: Miller doesn't recall her source, but she's pretty sure it wasn't Libby.
Americanlogic smells coverup. It was the Times during the runup to this premptive war that failed in its journalistic duties, pressing the WMD issue and offering no perspective. Wilson's op-ed broke the camels back and here we are.
Despite my previous postings on this subject, at this point I can't really say what is going to happen, I don't know if there will even be indictments anymore. However, that said, if there are indictments it will be an indictment of this adminstration's secrecy and hyping of this conflict.
As I've said before, we need to win in Iraq and todays events regarding the constitution look like a first step. Bush will not offer a new strategy in how we crush the insurgency other than mounting PR campaigns promoting failure. God knows he wouldn't think of getting more troops on the ground or perhaps requesting UN peacekeepers.
Over the next few weeks we will be discovering the extent to which the neos really worked hand in hand with the media in pushing this war with no questions asked. Fitzgerald might as well indict the media.
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