Saturday, October 08, 2005

dems and Iraq

Since the president refuses to lay out a vision for Iraq other than a continuation of failure, maybe its up to the Democrats to lay out their own Iraq policy.

If Americanlogic were a prominent democrat he would start by joining with John McCain in asking for more troops on the ground to crush the growing insurgency. He then would call for the resignation of Donald Rumsfield, who's pig headedness has resulted in this insurgency's power.

More importantly, he would warn the president that if he vetoes the defense appropriation bill that includes guidelines for treating detainees, he is pretty much sanctioning continued torture of war prisoners.

As a promient democrat, which Americanlogic is not, he would actually listen to the generals on the ground in Iraq. Once parts of Iraq are in our control and the insurgency is crushed we can then hand the keys of Iraq to the leadership. Which means a slow withdrawl of american and british forces from the region.

As an aside, can you imagine for a second, if the powerful forces on the right were to present this alternative vision to the american public, would this credit card president actually take their advice as he has in desperately trying to sell Harriet Miers?

29% of independents approve of this president. These are unbiased people, not tarnished by either party. When are they going to be given a voice? Is there an independent out there who will emerge as a counter to this two party screwfest we are witnessing?

Only time will tell.

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