To the one person who reads this blog, thank you for your patience........
Now, on to the suicide deaths at Guantanamo Bay. It's hard to start a blog with this kind of sentence. Imagine, six years ago the very idea of prisoners, most of whom have no charges other than being "suspected of terrorist activity," and the ever popular "enemy combatants" being held in another country against their will, with no access to anything other than their own misery. Force fed, no trial, no way out, nothing. Then tell me what country this is. Yes, I understand the pressure the guards and the commanders are under in this kind of situation, and maybe this is the casualty of a war without end, but isn't this anything but a stain on the history of this country?
Thanks to Rumsfeld, we conduct war on the cheap and in total disregard of rules of humane warfare. Yet, Rumsfeld remains as Defense Secretary. Words truly fail me.
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