towards libertarianism.......
The past six years of the Bush era has resulted in a hardening of my initial progressive beliefs (more government good, less government bad). I approached the Bush administration with a mixture of contempt and snobbery. Let's just say the contempt has carried through.
George Bush has failed every major test put before him. He has failed to rally the nation against an external foe (terrorists) and has failed in basic governance (responding to major crisis). Some believe Bush should have asked of America what FDR asked of America during WWII, proposing national service against jihadism. Instead, Bush has asked nothing of this country other than to ponder life without him.
The liberal American Prospect magazine featured on their cover a striding Bush with the caption "The most dangerous President." Bush is dangerous not to the world, but his own citizens. He wishes to strip every liberty away in his failed pursuit of Al-Qaeda. Identity cards, secret wiretaps, secret military tribunals, and yes everyone's favorite: torture. This is the vision of lunatics who just need to control everything.
In short, the presidency of Bush has surgically removed me from liberalism and its tired cliches. Liberty matters now and as it should. We should be free from roving government at all costs. Instead of hardening my convictions of a progressive America, I only wish for freedom from incompetent and snooping government.
Goodbye Galbraith, hello Freidman.
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