I simply don't care about Iraq. There, I said it. Americanlogic is bearing his soul in regards to this war because the time is right.
Americanlogic refuses to accept the "safe" route of democrats such as Joe Lieberman and Hillary Clinton, career politicians who offer only handwringing. I am of the mind of Murtha. American troops need to leave Iraq before more die there.
But Americanlogic what about the insurgency and the jihadists? Won't they turn Iraq into a terrorist training ground? No, not unless the Iraqis kill them. We are losing the war against this insurgency because we started off with inadequate troops, incompetent war management and visions of utopia. No realism, just illusion.
What about the troops? Don't we dishonor their service by asking they return home to their wives and children? Nonsense. This question is always asked to quelch any discussion of withdrawal. These men and women have been occupying a foreign country for over three years now engaged in bloody combat with a man-child of a commander in chief at the helm. It's time to think about the future of this country. The future of our democracy. Our children. Our wives. Our husbands. Our infastructure. Our well being as a nation. Can we really accept three more years of this?
Americanlogic refuses to parrot the centrist line of "be patient." The families of these troops have been patient long enough. Time to bring them home so they can receive the inadequate care they are bound to get once they become citizens again. Time to let them waste away in military hospitals while the jobs they once had are outsourced or cut or given to temporary "guest" workers. No, Americanlogic isn't jaded by this war.
If the Iraqi people want democracy they will spill blood, sweat and tears for it. We've done enough. Any democrat who does not speak to this truth should volunteer to fight the insurgency themselves along side Cheney and Rumsfield.
This was not a war thrust upon us. We choose to fight it. Now we can choose to end our role in it.
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