Friday, September 23, 2005

lame duck

Once the dust settles and Rita passes this country will be left with a lame duck presidency. Thank God.

Several issues are on the horizon that pose problems for the nations first credit card president.

CIA leak - further confirmation for America that politics comes first with this crew, even at the expense of national security

stem-cell legislation - don't we want to save lives for a change?

Abu Gharib - the nasty smell in the corner. more damaging pictures are bound to surface.

Iraq- americans will demand withdrawl and this president still wont make a case (not that there is any to make, more on that later) .

So, in short this president will finish out his term as the most unpopular of all time. this can't help his confidence either:

In a sign of just how severe the damage to the President’s standing caused by Katrina is, the Zogby America survey finds that, despite his re-election last fall, President Bush would lose to every modern president since Jimmy Carter, the one-term Democrat who left office amid record unpopularity and a presidency rated, at the time, dismally. He would also lose to his own father, who left office amid an economic recession triggered, in part, by a devastating hurricane. (Zogby)


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